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要旨 複合制癌化学療法(cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, bischloroethyl nitrosourea(BCNU)とchloroethylcyclohexyl nitrosourea(CCNU)中の1つを選択)後,完全または部分的治癒を示した15名の胃癌患者の25回にわたる上部消化管経過観察を分析した結果,次のようなX線像の好転所見があった.(1) 腫瘍の局所的縮小91.6%,(2) 胃辺縁の平滑化91.3%,(3) 粘膜皺襞の再出現または薄化,既存の粘膜皺襞集中の消失と腫瘍あるいは腫瘍様粘膜皺襞の崩壊に伴う粘膜皺襞集中の再出現85.0%,(4) 顆粒像の細小化または消失83.3%,(5) 硬直化の減少78.3%,(6) 胃小区の再出現75.0%,(7) 胃膨張の良好化69.6%,(8) 潰瘍の縮小化62.5%.
The combined chemotherapy of cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and either bischloroethyl nitrosourea (BCNU) or chloroethylcyclohexyl nitrosourea (CCNU) were administered to 15 patients, showing complete or partial response, and 25 serial follow-up upper gastrointestinal studies were analyzed.
The frequency of improving radiologic criteria with chemotherapy were as follows:
1. Decreased and localized mass effect of 91.6%, 2. smoother gastric margin of 91.3%, 3. thinning and/or appearance of mucosal folds, disappeared mucosal fold convergency existed already, and appearance of mucosal fold convergency with disintegration of mass or mass-like large mucosal folds of 85.0%, 4. finer, smaller and disappeared nodularities of 83.3%, 5. decreased rigidity of 78.3%, 6. appearance of area gastrica of 75.0%, 7. better expansion of stomach of 69.6%, 8. decreased ulcer size of 62.5%.
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