

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of Osler's Disease Complicated by Advanced Cancer of the Stomach K. Nagano 1 , H. Yama 1 , H. Sano 1 , K. Tamura 2 , Y. Maeda 3 1Dept. of Int. Med, Hakodate Kyoaikai Hospital 2Dept. of Surg. Hakodate Kyoaikai Hospital 3Dept. of Int. med, Sagamihara National Hospital pp.1123-1132
Published Date 1978/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107410
  • Abstract
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 There are reports on hundreds of families with Osler's disease in Europe and U. S., and the disease is regarded as one which should be considered in differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal hemorrhage. On the other hand, there are relatively few reports on the families with this disease in Japan; that is, the report by Morioka et al on about 70 families is said to be the representative one. We have lately encountered one case of Osler's disease complicated by gastric cancer where telangiectasia was found in various organs. The outline of findings is presented here, together with some discussion with reference to the literature data.

 A man aged 54 came to author's hospital with a chief complaint of epigastric pain. Since about 1952, he had been attacked by epistaxis after blowing the nose vigorously, or when he had caught a cold, or when he had picked the nostrils. At about that time, he had noticed the presence of red eruptions in the lips. In 1958, something like a cloud began to be visible in the right eye field. It was diagnosed as retinal bleeding. A similar retinal bleeding occurred in the right eye in January and May, 1975. On each occasion, however, the bleeding was absorbed with no trace. In July 1976, he was admitted to the hospital. A history of epistaxis was found in his father and 2 children. A history of gastric ulcer was noted in 2 of his 3 siblings. On admission, anemia was absent from the visible mucosa. Hemangioma-like eruptions were found in the lips, tongue, soft palate, buccal mucosae, mucosae of the nasal vestibulum, right scapular region and the ventral side and beneath the nails of the fingers of both hands except the little fingers. Neither any tumor nor any resistance in the abdomen was palpable. Laboratory studies disclosed that occult blood was positive in stool, but anemia was absent. The coagulative and fibrinolytic systems and hormones were all normal. No abnormalities were roentgenologically found in the digestive tract except in the stomach, where an irregularly-shaped ulcerative lesion occurred in the angular portion; the tips of the mucosal folds converging were enlarged and united. Endoscopically, hemangioma-like eruptions similar in nature to those found in the visible mucosae and skin, or dilatation of capillary vessels similar to the vascular spider were found in the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and rectum. At the angular portion of the stomach was observed a circular elevation with the margin shaped like a dome and with an irregularly-shaped ulceration in its center, to which the mucosal folds prominently converged. Biopsy specimen of the ulceration was diagnosed as well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. The examination of the eyegrounds disclosed angiogliosis retinae in the temporal margin of the optic disk in the right eyeground.

 From these findings, this case was diagnosed as Osler's disease complicated by advanced gastric cancer. The patient underwent operation on October 9, 1976. The close observation of the abdominal cavity revealed two hemangioma-like eruptions on the surface of the right liver lobe. By macroscopic examination of the resected specimen, the ulcerative lesion was diagnosed as a Borrmann type 2 cancer and histologically as adenocarcinoma tubulare.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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