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要旨 昨今における肝胆道系画像診断の進歩により胆嚢の形成異常は術前に判明することが多くなったが,胆嚢の形成異常に関する正確な知識なくしては診断はつけにくい.胆嚢の形成異常は胎生期の胆嚢原基の異常に起因するものであるから種々ある分類の中で胎生期異常に基づく分類がより理論的で理解しやすい.先天的胆嚢欠損症,二葉胆嚢,二重胆嚢,副胆嚢,左側胆嚢症,肝内胆嚢,屈折胆嚢,砂時計様胆嚢,先天性胆嚢憩室形成,胆嚢の先天性癒着,遊走胆嚢,胆嚢壁における胃粘膜,膵組織,肝組織の迷入の病理,診断,治療法について解説した.
Anomalies of gallbladder is increasingly diagnosed preoperatively because of the rapid improvement of hepatobiliary imaging techniques in recent years. This is only possible through exact knowledge of gallbladder pathology. Classification based on the embryological development of the anomalies is recommended for ease of understanding. Pathology, diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the following anomalies are described: congenital absence of gallbladder, bibbed gallbladder, double and triple gallbladder, accessory gallbladder, left-sided gallbladder, intrahepatic gallbladder, folded gallbladder, hourglass gallbladder, congenital diverticula, congenital adhesion, flowing gallbladder, and aberrent tissues in gallbladder wall.

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