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潰瘍性大腸炎の治療は重大な合併症のないかぎり保存的に行うのが原則であるが,内科的治療が奏効しない難治例に対しては,ためらうことなく外科治療を行うこともまた必要である.欧米においては,最近10年間に激症例,重症例に対して手術が行われる頻度が増加しており,またより早期に行われる傾向にあるという1).これは手術適応と手術時期がしだいに明確にされつつあること,完全静脈栄養(total parenteral nutrition,以下TPN)などによって術前術後管理が向上したこと,外科技術の向上,より機能的な人工肛門の開発などによるものと考えられる1).
To know factors influencing the indications for an operation of patients with ulcerative colitis, eight patients operated on and 16 non-operated, were studied. Those 24 patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of massive melena. One group (group 1) consists of four patients who had had massive melena, two of which were subjected to a relatively early operation. Hemoglobin level, signs of inflammation, the severity based on Truelove & Witts' criteria and the frequency as well as duration of melena were studied. The other group (group 2) consists of 20 patients who had been on a long-term conservative treatment, six of whom underwent an operation. Fifteen parameters such as severity, ESR, prealbumin were studied before and 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after the treatment respeclively.
(1) Group 1: Melena persisted for more than two weeks in patients operated on, whereas it was ameliorated within 10 days in patients with remission.
Massive melena did not necessarily correlate with signs of inflammation.
(2) Group 2: Regardless of time of judgement, it was difficult to decide the effectiveness of medical treatment by laboratory data such as ESR, hemoglobin, total protein, albumin, prealbumin and α1-acidglycoprotein.
However, patients in whom remission was achieved showed a significant improvement of severity at each time of evaluation later than four weeks, when compared to patients operated on. Consequently, in those with ineffective medical outcome, the decision of operative indication supposedly seemed to be made upon the severity. Furthermore, if the patients show the moderate severity even 8 or 12 weeks after the initiation of prednisolone therapy, the operative indication might relatively be applied to them.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.