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Fine mucosal abnormalities can be more clearly demonstrated by the double contrast method with air than the barium thin layer method with water (Sel-link) or methylcellulose (Herlinger).
In this paper, practice of the double contrast radiography including retrograde air injection technique and demonstrability of fine mucosal relief are described.
1. Sequence of the double contrast method
a) Spraying the throat with Lidocaine and inserting the tube (Bilbao-Dotter tube) to the 3rd portion of the duodenum near the duodeno-jejunal flexure,
b) Slowly administrating about 400 ml of 60 W/V% barium suspension,
c) Injecting air, after the top of the barium column reaches to the terminal ileum and filming the upper part of the small bowel during and immediately after air injection,
d) Giving antispasmoidicus (Coliopan or Buscopan) when the lower part of the small bowel is filled enough with air,
e) Filming the middle and lower parts of the small bowel.
2. Demonstrability of fine mucosal relief by the double contrast method
a) In the routine examination, good double contrast view of the upper and middle parts of the small bowel can be obtained nearly always, but difficulty often arises in obtaining the diagnostic double contrast view of the lower part of the small bowel due to overlap-ping of several intended loops, insufficient amount of air or poor mucosal coating.
b) In the detailed examination, good double contrast view can be obtained at the every intentioned part of the small bowel.
c) The double contrast method is best suited for visualizing small and fine mucosal abnormalities, but the segments with severe inflammatory lesion are some-times difficult to visualize by this method.
3. Retrograde air injection technique for obtaining good double contrast view at the lower part of the small bowel
a) Injecting antispasmoidicus after the top of the barium column, administrated per oral or through the tube, reaches to the ascending colon,
b) Retrograde administration of air through the anal tube until the lower part of the small bowel is adequately distended.
By this method, good double contrast picture at the lower part of the small bowel can be obtained.
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