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小腸のX線診断は小腸が長く錯綜しているため,検査に長時間を要し,頻回の検査をする必要があり,しかも連続充盈像が得られず,また悪性腫瘍や潰瘍などの器質的疾患が比較的少いために敬遠される傾向にある.胃透視にひきつづいて行なうルーチン小腸X線検査法の弱点を改善するために,造影剤の分劃投与法1)~3),冷水,冷食塩水併用法4)~7),ソルビトール併用法8)9),胆のう造影剤併用法10),ガストログラフイン併用法11),非経口薬剤投与法12))などの種々の試みが行われてきたが,決め手になる方法が確立されずに現在に至っている,小腸全体の連続充盈像を短時間にしかも確実にえて,局在する器質的病変を描出する目的で,ゾンデを直接十二指腸内に挿入して造影剤を注入する方法はDavid13)(1913)に始まり,Pesquera14)(1924)およびGershon-Cohen15)(1939)によりbarium enteroclysisの名称で試みられている.Pesquera14)は全小腸の観察が30分以内にできることを報告し,Gershon-Cohen15)は二重造影法を試みて大腸の二重造影と同様の意味づけをしている.Schatzki16)(1943)はsmall intestinal enemaと呼び経肛門的に行なう大腸の充満像と同様の意味で十二指腸チューブを通して500~1,000mlのうすい造影剤を注入し,短時間に小腸全体の観察ができ,器質病変の診断には最も優れた方法であろうと述べている.
たしかに局在する器質病変の診断能は向上するが,ゾンデを十二指腸に挿入するのに時間を要することと,揚合によっては挿入不能のこともあるために,あまり普及されなかった.しかしBilbao et al.17)がゾンデを十二指腸に挿入する時,フォルクスワーゲンのスピードメーターケーブルをガイドワイヤーとして使用すれば非常に簡単で短時間に挿入可能であることを報告して以来,さらにSeldingerカテーテル用ガイドワイヤーが使用されるようになり,小腸X線検査にも応用されるようになった.Sellink18)は造影剤の濃度,比重を検討し,比重1.25~1.35のバリウム600~1,200mlをゾンデを通して注入し,全小腸の美麗な充盈像が15分以内に得られたと報告している.
An attempt has been made to visualize the small intestine by double contrast method. By means of either Seldinger catheter or guide wire attached to Bilbao-Dotter tube we have inserted the tube directly into the duodenal lumen. After putting through the tube 300~400 ml of barium meal into the duodenum we have additionally sent 500~800 cc of air into it, followed by intravenous injection of cholinergic blocking agents.
The subjects of this study include 22 cases without any organic disturbance and 12 cases with 13 examinations having organic changes definitely confirmed (6 cases of Crohn's disease, 2 of intestinal tuberculosis, 2 of acute regional enteritis and one each of multiple intestinal ulcers and ileocecal carcinoma).
The time needed for the contrast medium to reach the cecum has been considerably shortened as compared with routine examination of the small intestine, Barium meal reached the cecum on an average in 25 minutes in the group with no organic disturbances and in 70 minutes in the group with organic changes, In 5 of all cases it took more than 60 minutes for the barium meal to reach the cecum, and organic disorders were recognized in 4 cases. This fact suggests that when contrast medium is delayed in reaching the cecum existence of some organic changes should be suspected.
Lesions were not clearly visualized when there was delay in the passage of contrast medium through the small intestine. Nonetheless, it was well depicted in its entire length, far better than the routine x-ray examination. This was not all. The ileocecal region and even the ascending colon were beautifully demonstrated. As compared with barium-filled examination of the small bowel, double contrast method yields better results in the depiction of the intestinal lumen, especially when it is combined with the use of cholinergic blocking agents.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.