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Ⅱb Type Early Gastric Cancer Showing Superficial Spreading Type of Great Extent, Report of a Case M. Uechi 1 , I. Yokoyama 1 , S. Ichioka 1 , A. Yamada 2 , H. Suzuki 2 , S. Suzuki 2 , M. Endo 2 1The Adult Disease Center, Tokyo Women's Medical College 2Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.773-778
Published Date 1980/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112672
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 The patient is 52 year-old woman. X-ray examination of the stomach showed irregular areae gastricae on the anterior and posterior walls, centering on the lesser curvature above the angle. Endoscopy also showed on the same place white discolored flecks. From these findings we made a diagnosis of extensive Ⅱb type early cancer, centering on the part above the angle. Macroscopically the resected stomach showed whitish flat lesion, well-defined and measuring 7 by 10 cm, with the lesser curvature above the angle in its center. Histologically were seen in a part of the lesser curvature above the angle well differentiated and moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma lesions. In the other parts including the outer margins of the whole lesion was seen poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. No metastasis was recognized.

 The patient was followed up for four years. At the initial x-ray examination of the stomach no abnormality was found and two years later gastric lesion was found ultimately by both x-ray and endoscopy. Especially reddened flecks as revealed by endoscopy clinched the diagnosis. When we put findings of the resected specimen and its histologic changes all together, the lesion was surely of typical Ⅱb. The site of engorged flecks found two years later since the initial examination corresponded histologically to that of well differentiated adenocarcinoma. The superficial layer was replaced by intestinal metaplasia, showing atypical changes. We assumed that such histologic findings were recognized here because there had had been a Ⅱc-like lesion here and it had healed completely. In other parts were found poorly differentiated carcinoma and signet-ring-cell carcinoma. We also assumed that the extensive lesion had spread gradually and taking a long time in the superficial layer with the Ⅱc lesion on the lesser curvature above the angle as the starting point of carcinomatous changes. The present case made us aware once again of the fact that how important are the engorged and discolored flecks as revealed by endoscopy in the diagnosis of Ⅱb lesion.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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