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Pathology of Superficial Spreading Type of Gastric Cancer A. Yasui 1 , Y. Hirase 1 , M. Miyake 1 , T. Kidokoro 1 , T. Murakami 2 1Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo University 2Tokyo Medical and Dental University pp.1305-1310
Published Date 1973/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403108485
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 Superficial spreading type of gastric cancer as designated by A. P. Stout is characterized by (1) wide superficial spread of cancer in comparison with shallowness of vertical invasion; (2) the greatest majority of carcinoma solidum simplex mucocellulare; and its far better postoperative prognosis as compared with other types of gastric cancer. No definition was ever made as to the extent of cancer spread.

 With this fact in mind, we have collected cases of early gastric cancer whose horizontal spread was remarkable in contrast with minor vertical involvement. Those whose longest diameters by the diameters perpendicular to them were more than 25 are called superficial spreading type in a wider sense of the words, while lesions that have cancer cells of mucocellular type are called superficial spreading type in a narrower sense.

 The results of our examinations show that it is hardly possible to substantiate the existence of superficial spreading behavior of cancer evolution anticipated and defined by Stout. Furthermore, the histologic type of this variety of cancer is not limited to mucocellular type; tubular variety is not infrequent. Consequently, the mode of cancer spread should not be looked for merely in the horizontal direction but multicentral genesis of cancer must by all means be taken into account. Surgeons are especially cautioned about the determination of the area to be resected in superficial spreading type having a great extent.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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