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患 者:43歳女子
主 訴:心窩部痛
現症:体格中等度.栄養やや不良.理学的所見,一般血液ならびに血清学的検査に異常を認めず.胃液検査(ガストロテスト)は無酸.便潜血反応陰性.血清総蛋白 7.0g/dlであった.
Case: 43-year-old female.
She visited Takahara-tchûô Hospital with chief complaint of pain in the upper abdomen, and underwent an upper gastrointestinal tract series and endoscopic examination, which revealed many small protruded lesions on the mucosa of gastric angle and body.
She underwent subtotal gastrectomy at Japanese Red Cross, Atomic Bomb Hospital.
Pathological findings of the resected stomach: Grossly, it showed so-called superficial spreading type of carcinoma, extending from mid-body to angle of the stomach, with small irregular protruded lesions (grouped as Ⅱa), and shallow depression (Ⅱb-like Ⅱc) adjacent to the oral magin of the former.
Histologically, there were intramucosal well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma and poorly differentiated muco-cellular adenocarcinoma of the stomach, without metastases to lymphnodes.
It was found by serial sections that many small cancerous glands were scattered superficially in the propria mucosa, adjacent to the carcinoma mass and fusing into one or several normal gastric glands. In this case, following points are interesting.
1) Although this case is a middle-aged female, she has a well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma of the stomach, which shows many small protruded lesion (grouped as Ⅱa).
2) Gastric biopsy is useful for differential diagnosis, and for determining the extent of cancerous invasion.
3) Dissemination of carcinoma cells in the superficial propria mucosae through interstitial space shows a possible mode of spreading of early gastric carcinoma.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.