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Early Gastric Cancer with Submucosal Involvement Estimated Correctly by “an Irregularity of Fine Granular Appearances within Type Ⅱc Lesion”, Report of a Case M. Suzuki 1 , K. Takayasu 1 , N. Moriyama 1 , K. Ushio 1 , H. Matsue 1 , M. Sasagawa 1 , T. Yamada 1 , H. Ichikawa 1 , Y. Oguro 2 , A. Yara 3 , T. Hirota 3 1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Cancer Center Hospital 2Department of Internal Medicine, National Cancer Center Hospital 3Department of Patltology, National Cancer Center Hospital pp.175-178
Published Date 1982/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403108723
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 A 68-year-old man with complaint of epigastralgia two~three hours after meal was admitted to the National Cancer Center Hospital for the exact examination of the gastric lesion, on April 7, 1977.

 With precise roentgenographic and endoscopic observations, an irregular shallow depressed lesion with converging folds was noted on the posterior wall toward the angle of the stomach, and irregular fine granular appearances within the lesion. It was considered as early gastric cancer, type Ⅱc, with the depth of invasion to submucosa. A partial gastrectomy was performed on July 8, 1977. Macroscopic findings showed early gastric cancer type Ⅱc.

 Histological appearance of the specimen revealed a signet-ring cell carcinoma with shallow invasion as deep as to the submucosa.

 Observed on the surrounding findings of Ⅱc lesion, this was considered as m cancer, but on the irregularity of fine granular appearances within it, this could be diagnosed as sm cancer.

 Therefore, for the diagnosis of type Ⅱc (including Ⅱc+Ⅲ sm cancer, it is important to make precise observation not only to the surrounding findings of Ⅱc lesion but also to the irregularity of fine granular appearances within it.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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