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わが国では,MitomycinC(MMC)を主体とする化学療法が古くから行われているが,単なるMMCの手術を中心とした短期間の投与では生存率を有意に高めるという確証をつかむまでには至らなかった.われわれは,術後化学療法は,少なくとも術後2年間程度の長期投与が必要と考え,この考えを,術後長期化学療法(postoperative long term cancer chemotherapy-PLCCと略)として提唱してきた.この考えをまずはじめに適用したのがMMCの3カ月ごとの大量投与法であったが,有意の生存率延長に至らなかったので5-FU誘導体のフトラフール(Ft-207,略してFt)と,担子菌類かわらたけ菌子体より抽出の蛋白多糖体のクレスチン(略してPSK)とを術後2年間,stageⅣ胃癌患者に経口投与するという方式を試み,その効果に手ごたえを感じた.とき,あたかも胃癌手術の補助化学療法研究会が組織されて,全国規模のmultihospital randomized studyが可能となったので,その第1次研究として,MMCによる制癌誘導と,Ftによる制癌維持を内容とする方式の有効性を明らかにすることとし,1975年からこれを開始して,現在,その3年生存率を得る時期に至っている.本稿では,これらの経緯と,この全国研究の成績の概要を述べ,現在計画中の免疫化学療法についても若干ふれたいと思う.
At the current time, there is an multihospital randomized study for adjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer in Japan conducted by the present author. This study has been collaborated with 297 hospitals with 1673 evaluable cases from May 1975 to July 1976. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of postoperative 3 months oral administration of Ft-207 following Mitomycin C (MMC) intravenous use adjacent to the operation. All patients were divided into group Ⅰ (intermittent moderate dose of MMC) and group Ⅱ (massive dose of MMC) and the each of the groups were allocated at random to subgroup A (without Ft-207) and subgroup B (with 600 mg/day of Ft-207, that is, MMC plus oral use of Ft-207 for 3 months). Any remarkable side effect was not observed in the Ft-207 administered subgroup (B) as compared to subgroup (A).
It was demonstrated that 3 year survival of the patients of having had more than 60 g. of Ft-207 was 78.5% in group ⅠB and 77.6% in group ⅡB, which were siginificantly superior to those of the control, 69.6% and 72.0%, group ⅠA and ⅡA respectively.
Such positive results were also shown in stage Ⅲ patients, that is,66.0% in group ⅠB and 65.3% in group ⅡB, being significantly superior to the control,46.0% and 49.2%, group ⅠA and ⅡA respectively. Effectiveness of oral administration of Ft-207 upon gastric cancer surgery looks definitely certain. Immunotherapy combined to Ft-207 oral use may be promising and the randomized multihospital study are now in process.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.