

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Some Questions on the Definition and Significance of Metaplastic Polyps in the Large Intestine S. Kozuka 1 pp.1217-1223
Published Date 1976/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107440
  • Abstract
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 Out of 423 polyps in the large intestine 56 polyps had a saw-toothed or serrated gland which is characteristic of a metaplastic polyp (Morson14)). Epithelial pseudostratification, that is, nuclear stratification of epithelial cells, seems one of indicators of adenomatous conditions7) and was found 36 out of 56 polyps with serrated glands.

 A possible transition of some metaplastic polyps into adenomatous conditions might occur as follows: Proliferation of serrated epithelium in the upper portion of a metaplastic polyp might result in a papillary or villous adenoma and proliferation of tubular glands in the lower portion of a metaplastic polyp might result in a polypoid adenoma.

 Moreover, out of 150 polyps without pseudostratification of glandular epithelium, only 20 polyps showed serrated glands. If serrated glands were an essential feature for a metaplastic polyp, most of small polyps which were considered hyperplasia or well differentiated adenoma might not belong to any type of polyps classified by Morson14), Arthur2) and Lane et al.11).

 It is concluded that the term “a metaplastic polyp” means only a variation of hyperplasia and/or adenoma which has a potency to develop into an adenoma with papillary infolding of glands or a villous adenoma, in so far as serrated glands are requisite features of a metaplastic polyp.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


