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Clinicopathological study was made in 221 cases of the gastric carcinoma, the invasion of which was limited to the muscularis propriae (pm) by dividing them into a group accompanied with ulcer formation (Ul+) and another without ulcer (Ul-). The following results were obtained
1. The incidence of pm cancer was 9.1 per cent in 2,441 cases of gastric cancer submitted for resection. This percentage was smaller than that of m or sm cancer. The group with ulcer formation was more numerous (65.4%).
2. The average age was 56 years. That of Ul (+) group was 55.1 years, and in Ul (-) group, 59.2 years. The male outnumbered the female with a ratio of 2.4 : 1, nearly the same as in early cancer.
3. Incidence of pm cancer according to macroscopic classifications : The type simulating early cancer was of higher percentage (54.6%) than the Borrmann variety (42.1%). In the latter, the IIc type was most frequent (23.4%). In the type mimicking early cancer the highest percentage was seen in IIc-like pm cancer (25.9%).
4. Incidence of pm cancer according to histological classification division: In the group of Ul (+), mucocellular adenocarcinoma was most frequent (35%), followed in the order of frequency by poorly differentiated type and well differentiated one. In the group of Ul (-), papillotubular adenocarcinoma and well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma were most often seen.
5. Incidence of pm cancer seen from the types of cancer invasion : The most frequent type was nodular (48.8%). Diffuse infiltrating variety was least often seen (17.9%).
6. Prognosis of pm cancer: The 5-year-survival rate was 70.1 per cent, close to that of early cancer. In Borrmann type it was less favorable (63.2%). Seen from the patterns of infiltration, the tubular type offered poorer prognosis (65.9%).
7. Special features of pm cancer: As far as we have been able to make out, our studied cases were a mere collection of cases having features more or less common to early and advanced cancers. In order to clarify the intermediate step between them, we ought to study in details of yet a greater number of pm cancer of the stomach.
Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.