

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Pm Gastric Cancer: The results of nationwide collection K. Miwa 1 1Dept. of Surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital pp.847-853
Published Date 1976/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107327
  • Abstract
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 Characteristics of pm gastric cancer have been studied out of the results collected from nationwide registrations of gastric cancer cases. During the 6 years 1963~1966 and 1969~1970, pm cancer of the stomach amounted to 3,045 among 26,375 gastrectomized cases registered during this period. The incidence of pm cancer was 11. 5 per cent; m cancer,6.3 per cent; sm cancer, 7.9 per; ss cancer was 12.7 per cent in frequency. The incidence of pm cancer in our series was greater than that reported by Sano who had examined gastrectomized cases in the National Cancer Center. However, when progress and propagation of early diagnosis f or gastric cancer in recent years resulting in ever increasing number of early cancer detection is taken into account, we cannot deny what Sano assumed, that is, once cancer invades the muscularis propria from the submucosal layer, a far greater number of cancer lesions infiltrate rapidly the serosa than those remaining relatively long in the muscularis propria.

 Lymph node metastasis of pm gastric cancer was as follows: n (-) 36.0%; n1 (+) 22.5%; n2 (+) 9.0%; n3 (+) 1.7%; and n4 (+) 0.2%. As compared with cancer in m, sm and ss, lymph node metastasis definitely increased in number when cancer developed from the mucosa into the submucosa. Then metastasis increased in a stepwise manner.

 Of 632 cases of pm cancer cases resected during the 4 years since 1963, 390 cases survived for 5 years. The relative 5-year-survival rate was 70.2 per cent. This rate was just midway between that of sm cancer (90.3%) and of ss cancer (49.8%). The relative 5-year-survival rate of 273 pm cancer cases with no lymph node involvement was 88.1%, a figure close to that of sm cancer. We have also compared our results with those of Sano, who reported that results of treatment for pm cancer were close to those for sm cancer.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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