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われわれは,最近Polyarteritis nodosaの血管性変化により,腸管の壊死・穿孔を来した症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
患 者:60歳 女
主 訴:腹痛
検査成績:心電図(Fig. 1)は,軽度の冠不全を認めるが,特に異常なし.腹部立位単純レ線所見(Fig. 2)では,腸管麻痺を思わせる小腸内ガスうっ滞像をみる.血液検査では白血球増多(17,800/mm3)あり.尿・糞便検査では特に異常なし(Table 1).
A fatal case of jejunal perforation due to polyarteritis nodosa is described.
The patient, a 60 years old female, was admitted in our hospital because of abdominal pain. She had complained of pain of extremities without redness or induration of the skin, but it was improved by predonisolone therapy 8 months before admission.
Abdominal pain and fever (38℃) were complained of a couple of days before admission. By physical examination weakness of bowel sound, and by laboratory examination, leucocytosis (17,800/mm3) were revealed, but there were no signs of acute peritonitis at the time of admission.
On the 3rd hospital day, as sign of acute peritonitis with severe abdominal pain increased, emergency laparotomy was performed. Necrotic segments of 10~15 length and dark reddish multiple spots, resembling blunt injury, were observed, here and there in the small intestine. Two perforations were found in the jejunum about 150 cm anal side of the duodenojejunal flexure.
Resection of the injured intestine (about 150 cm) with end-to-end anastomosis was performed. But the patient died from circulatory insufficiency on the next day. Pathological diagnosis was necrosis of the small intestine caused by polyarteritis nodosa.
Abdominal symptom is one of the most common symptoms in polyarteritis nodosa, but laparotomy cases are very rare.
If it is diagnosed before operation and relieved by steroid therapy, the prognosis is favorable, while if is diagnosed only after operation, such as our case, the prognosis is poor.

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