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要旨 兄弟2人が胃癌を合併した大腸腺腫症の1家系を報告した.症例1は39歳(兄)で,開腹時に偶然,肝転移(H3)を伴うT3N2S3の末期胃癌が発見された.症例2はその弟で,33歳でS状結腸切除術を受け,8年後に胃体下部のBorrmann 3型と前庭部のⅡb様の早期胃癌のため,胃切除術および肝左葉切除術が施行された.2例とも,いわゆる癌年齢に達しており,また胃ポリープは合併していないと考えられ,全身性腫瘍形成因子の関与よりも胃癌が多発するという本邦特有の事情を考慮すべきと思われた.
Case 1 was a 39 year-old elder brother who had laparotomy for familial polyposis coli in November, 1965. Incidentally, gastric cancer of end stage (T3, N2, S3, H3) was disclosed at that time and was given ileostomy and partial sigmoidectomy. The specimen was an uncrowded type of familial polyposis. He died of gastric cancer seven months after the operation.
Case 2 was a 33 year-old younger brother who had partial sigmoidectomy for familial polyposis at another hospital in July, 1958. He was given total colectomy in July, 1959 and rectal amputation in September, 1965 for familial polyposis. In February, 1966 he had partial gastrectomy and left hepatectomy for gastric cancer of Borrmann 3 type associated with Ⅱb-like lesion in the antrum. He died of either local and lymphatic recurrence or cancer of the residual stomach in January, 1971.

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