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要旨 患者は62歳,男性.17年前に直腸癌を伴う密生型大腸腺腫症にて,全結腸直腸切除,回腸人工肛門造設術が施行された.6年前より胃腺腫として定期的に経過観察されていたが,今回,胃体下部小彎のⅠ型早期胃癌および多発胃腺腫と診断され,胃亜全摘術が施行された.大腸腺腫症は大腸以外にも随伴悪性腫瘍の発生が知られており,特に本邦においては胃癌が合併する頻度が高い傾向にある.本稿では胃癌合併大腸腺腫症の1例を報告すると共に,本邦報告例を検討し考察を加えた.
A 62-year-old male was diagnosed as having familial adenomatous polyposis accompanied by rectal cancer, and received total proctocolectomy and ileostomy at the age of 44. As gastric adenoma was found at the age of 56, then he was observed periodically at another hospital. Since he was diagnosed in our clinic, in September 1992, as type I early gastric cancer with multiple gastric adenomas subtotal gastrectomy was performed. His postoperative course was uneventful, and no sign of recurrence has been observed. A clinical case of gastric cancer followed by familial adenomatous polyposis was reported with a review of the previous reports in Japan.

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