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要旨 Histamine H2-receptor antagonist(ranitidine)にて治療した消化性潰瘍の再発について検討した,対象は胃潰瘍67例,十二指腸潰瘍56例であった.再発防止に大きく貢献した因子として抗潰瘍薬の服用があった.特にranitidineの服用が明らかに再発率を低下させていた.投与薬剤別にみた累積再発率にて以下のことが明らかとなった.①非投与群は薬剤服用群に比して有意に累積再発率は高かった.②薬剤の種類(ranitidineと他の抗潰瘍剤)には累積再発率の差は認めなかった.③薬剤服用が初期(潰瘍治癒後1年)の間,再発防止をしていた.以上のことから,自験例のごとくranitidineにて治癒した消化性潰瘍は治癒後のacid reboundを防ぐ目的として薬剤服用が必要であると推察した.
In this report, we studied the recurrence of peptic ulcers which were treated with H2-receptor antagonist (ranitidine). Subjects we studied were 67 gastric ulcers and 56 duodenal ulcers. The most important factor in preventing recurrence was treatment with drugs. Especially, continuous treatment with ranitidine prevented the recurrence of ulcers significantly.
In the study of the cumulative recurrence rate, we obtained the following results: 1) The recurrence rate of the treated group was significantly lower than the untreated group but there was no difference among the variety of drugs we studied. 2) The difference of recurrence rate between both groups became smaller after 12 months since the ulcers had healed.
Therefore, in those cases of peptic ulcer treated with ranitidine, we speculate that treatment with drugs prevented the recurrence of ulcers caused by acid rebound during the early stage (within one year after healing).

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