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要旨 H2ブロッカーは強力な酸分泌抑制作用を有し,潰瘍治癒促進作用が証明されている.低酸例でも有効との報告もあるが,十二指腸潰瘍,併存潰瘍,胃角部より肛門側の胃潰瘍など酸分泌亢進例が主な適応である.従来の多剤併用療法に比べ十二指腸潰瘍の治癒率が高く,外来では6週治癒率に有意差を認めた(従来法 55.5%,H2ブロッカー 82.9%).入院治療例では1,2,3,4週のいずれも高い治癒率が得られた.胃潰瘍では制酸剤,粘膜防御剤,多剤併用のいずれよりも4週以降の治癒率が高いことが証明された.また,H2ブロッカーは胃潰瘍面積を他の薬剤に比べ早期に縮小させることがわかった.
1. Review of the efficacy of H2-receptor antagonist. The efficacy of H2-receptor antagonist (H2-blocker) for peptic ulcer was reported in many articles. In the placebo-controlled studies, all cimetidine regimens were associated with a statistically significant increase in the frequency of ulcer healing. Reports of multi-clinic double blind studies with three H2-blockers (cimetidine 800 mg, ranitidine 300 mg, famotidine 40 mg daily) in Japan were equally more effective for peptic ulcer healing than gefarnate.
2. Open trials with H2-receptor antagonist and other anti-ulcer drugs for peptic ulcer patients in Kitasato University Hospital. Fifty-five outpatients with duodenal ulcer were treated with H2-blocker or con-ventional medical treatment. Endoscopy was performed at intervals of three and six weeks. Healing rates at three and six weeks were 41.7% (15/36), 82.9% (29/35) with H2-blocker and 23.5% (4/17), 55.5% (10/18) with conventional treatment. 131 cases gastric ulcer patients were treated with H2-blocker, antacid, so called mucosal protector, conventional regimen and H2-blocker with other anti-ulcer drugs. Healing rates at two, four, six and eight weeks with various drugs were compared retrospectively. Healing rates with H2-blocker were as follows: 49.7% (22/54) at four weeks, 69.2% (27/39) at six weeks, 79.5% (35/ 44) at eight weeks respectively. The efficacy of H2-blocker was superior to any other drugs at four and six weeks.
3. Indication of H2-receptor antagonist for peptic ulcer. H2-blocker treatment is necessary in the treatment of all duodenal ulcers, all combined ulcers, and gastric ulcers located in the angle and pyloric antrum.

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