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要旨 上部消化管を食道から胃,十二指腸に至るまで,一連の臓器として内視鏡的に観察しうるpanendoscopeの臨床的意義が大きいことは言うまでもない.しかし,胃内視鏡の精密検査という見地からみると,現状の前方視式のpanendoscopeの胃内観察能には問題がある.第1に胃体部小彎および後壁の病変を正面視することが困難であること,第2に広角であることによるメリットと共に,デメリットとして,狭視野角に比し,同一距離(レンズと対象間)における拡大効果が少なく,微細観察能が劣ることである.したがってpanendoscopeを使用する際には,このような短所に留意し微細病変を見逃さないように注意すると共に,病変の部位によっては,比較的狭視野角の側視式ファイバースコープを活用する必要性を主張した.
It goes without saying that the panendoscope is extremely essential for endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract because one can observe them as serial organs through it. But there are some problems in the observational capacity of the forward-viewing type panendoscope from the viwpoint of close endoscopic examination in the stomach. First, it is difficult to seen en face lesions on the lesser curvature and posterior wall of the gastric body. Second, although the panendoscope is indeed advantageous in getting a wide view of an area by the aid of the wide-angle lens, when compared with the narrow viewing angle, it is less effective in the magnification of the lesions in the same distance between the lens and lesions. Thus, it does not enable detailed observations. Therefore, when one conducts panendoscopy, this disadvantage must be kept in mind so as not to overlook tiny lesions. Moreover, authors maintained that the side-viewing type fiberscope with relatively narrow viewing angle should be put into full use according to the regions that the lesions are located.

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