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要旨 国立がんセンターで1991年8月までに結節集簇様病変と診断された62症例63病変と随伴性の結節集簇様病変(病変の一部~大部分に結節集簇様病変を認めるもの)10症例10病変を対象に検討した.平均年齢61.9歳,男女比は約3:2であった.結節集簇様病変のX線・内視鏡所見では病変の拡がりに比べて背が低く,平盤状の形態を示し,表面は大小の結節(1~7mm)の集簇から成っていた.生検結果は腺腫が多く,63例中26例は絨毛管状腺腫,17例は管状絨毛腺腫であった.病変全体が切除された25例では16例が腺腫,8例が腺腫内癌,1例のみsmへの浸潤癌であり,治療法の選択に際し,過大な手術を避ける必要がある.随伴性の結節集簇様病変10例中9例において,隆起あるいは無構造な陥凹部分でsmあるいはpm以上の癌の浸潤が認められた.経過観察された7症例では結節集簇様病変の発育進展はゆっくりであり,数mmの結節の集合した初期像から結節の数と大きさを増大させながら,結節の集簇した形態を保持したまま発育していくと推測された.また,異時性・同時性の大腸癌15例,他臓器癌13例(胃癌5例,乳癌2例,甲状腺癌2例,皮膚癌,卵巣癌,肺癌,食道癌各1例)の合併がみられた.また,cancer family syndromeが2例含まれていた.
Purpose of this paper is to analyze cases of nodule-aggregating lesions and lesions accompanied nodule-aggregating components of the colon in National Cancer Center. The number of analyzed lesions are 63 (from 62 cases) of nodule-aggregating lesions and 10 (from 10 cases) of lesions accompanied nodule-aggregating components which are designated as lesions which contain nodule-aggregating lesions. The average age of these cases was 61.9 year-old. Male to female ratio was about 3 to 2. The typical findings of nodule-aggregating lesions in x-ray and endoscopic examination is that lesions are dish-like shaped with coalescence of various sized nodules (1-7 mm in size) on the surface and the height is very low compared to their extent. The most common result of the specimens from biopsy was adenoma: 26 out of 63 cases were villous tubular adenoma, 17 cases were tubular villous adenoma. The specimens from 25 cases of surgical resection revealed 16 cases of adenoma, 8 cases of cancer in adenoma and only 1 case of cancer invading submucosal layer (sm). These results suggest that exces sive surgical treatment should be avoided. On the contrary, 9 out of 10 cases of lesions accompanied nodule-aggregating components had cancer invading sm or pm on the elevated and/or depressed area.
We followed 7 cases of nodule-aggregating lesions and found they tend to develop slowly. Initial picture of nodule-aggregating lesions is coalescence of nodules, several mm in size. They seem to increase number and size of nodules but shape of them remains the same. There were concomitant and/or successively developed 15 cases of cancer of the colon and 13 cases of cancer of the other organs (stomach 15 cases, breast 5 cases, thyroid 5 cases and skin, ovary, lung, and esophagus 1 case respectively). Two cases of cancer family syndrome were also found in those who had nodule-aggregating lesions.

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