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要旨 われわれは内視鏡的に急性胃粘膜病変と診断された症例101例のうち,十二指腸が観察されている71症例の十二指腸粘膜所見について検討を行った.その結果,①胃幽門前庭部のびまん性出血性びらんがみられた53症例では38例(71.7%)に十二指腸球部から下行脚にかけてびらんがみられた,②幽門前庭部の点状または小円形状の多発びらんでは8例中1例にしか十二指腸粘膜変化がみられなかった,③胃体部にのみ限局していた出血性びらんでは1例も十二指腸粘膜には変化がなく,十二指腸病変は急性胃粘膜病変の型により合併頻度に相違がみられた.
Endoscopic duodenal observations were performed in 86 cases out of 101 cases with acute gastric mucosal lesion.
Acute gastric mucosal lesions were divided into three categories by endoscopic findings. The first category was diffuse hemorrhagic erosion located on the antrum. The second was multiple erosion on the antrum, and the third category was multiple erosion located on the gastric body.
The results were as follows: 1) In 38 cases (71.7%) of 53 cases with diffuse hemorrhagic erosion on the antrum, there was duodenal erosion which was often observed extending even into the 2nd portion of the duodenum.
2) Out of 8 cases with multiple erosions on the antrum, which were mostly associated with Kamrötung, only one case of duodenal erosion was encountered.
3) In 10 cases with hemorrhagic erosion located in the gastric body, no duodenal lesions were observed.
In conclusion, we could say that diffuse hemorrhagic erosion in the mucosa of the antrum is very frequently associated with duodenal mucosal lesions.
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