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要旨 127例の胃潰瘍患者のうち26%がH2受容体拮抗剤(H2RA)抵抗性潰瘍であった.これらの難治化の要因について検討した.H2RA抵抗性潰瘍はH2RA易治性潰瘍に比べて再生粘膜の腺管係数が有意に低値で,再生腺管が未熟であることが示唆された.Helicobacter pyloriの感染率には有意差はなく,難治化の要因としての,Helicobacter pyloriの関与は少ないと思われた.H2RA抵抗性潰瘍のうち半数の患者ではH2RAによる酸分泌抑制が不十分であり,これらの例ではH2RAを続行することにより,その後3か月以内に治癒した(H2RA治癒遅延型潰瘍).残りの半数の例では,H2RAを継続しても3か月以内に治癒に至らなかったが(H2RA治癒不能型潰瘍),これらの例では,H2RAによって酸は十分に抑制されていた.H2RA治癒不能型潰瘍ではH2RA易治性潰瘍に比して潰瘍辺縁のprostaglandin E2(PG)量が有意に減少しており,PGの減少も難治化の要因の1つであると思われた.
Of 127 patients with gastric ulcer treated with H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs), 26% were refractory to the treatment. Computer analysis for percentage of regenerated gland area per regenerated mucosa showed less glands in the rim of the H2RA-refractory ulcers than in that of the H2RA-tractable ulcers (good responders). Sixty percent of patients with H2RA-refractory gastric ulcers were infected with Helicobacter pylori. The percentage was the same as that was found in H2RA-tractable ulcer patients, suggesting no association of this bacterium with the refractoriness. H2RAs did not raise intraluminal pH as expected in half of the patients with refractory ulcers. In these cases, ulcers healed by treatment with an H2RA continued for the next 3 months (slow responders). Contrary to expectations, continuous treatment did not affect ulcers of the other half (non-responders) in whom H2RA raised luminal pH. Prostaglandin (PG) E2 levels were lower in the ulcer rim of the nonresponders than in that of the good responders. A PG analogue administered together with an H2RA healed ulcers of the non-responders by 60%, suggesting that the reduced PGE2, in part, causes the refractoriness. A proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) healed the ulcers by 88% because of its strong effect on acid suppression overcoming the effect of H2RA. However, the higher intraluminal acidity itself may not cause the refractoriness for the reason that similar acidity was observed in patients with H2RA-refractory ulcers.
These results shows that morphological and functional disorder of the gastric mucosa is involved in the pathophysiology of H2RA-refractory gastric ulcers.

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