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要旨 切除胃癌1,603例の全割による組織検査の結果,247例の多発癌を検索しえた.このうち最大径6mm以上の副病変を対象にX線学的検討を行い,更に肉眼診断,肉眼型,組織型,深達度,発生部位や癌の大きさを対比し下記の結果を得た.多発癌の頻度は15.4%で,早期癌で18.0%,進行癌で12.1%であった.術前X線診断で確診できた病変は34.9%で,存在を指摘できなかった病変は49.6%であった.見直し診断では診断率が向上したが,やはり27.2%は存在診断ができなかった.術前に診断できない病変は平坦型や浅い陥凹型の粘膜内癌が多く,特に未分化型に多かった.発生部位では,ほぼ全領域に分布していたが,前壁,大彎,前庭部の診断率が低かった.
One thousand six hundred and three cases of gastric cancer were evaluated histologically by serial sectioning of the whole specimen for the past 15 years, and 247 cases of multiple gastric cancer were detected. The incidence of multiplicity was 18.0% (153/851) in cases with early cancer, 12.1% (91/752) in cases with advanced cancer and 15.4% (247/1,603) as a total.
In these lesions of multiple cancer, 149 accessory lesions excluding microcarcinomas less than 5 mm in diameter were analyzed for barium study. Fifty two out of 149 accessory lesions (34.9%) had been preoperatively diagnosed as being definitely malignant, 18 lesions (12.1%) as being possibly malignant, and 5 lesions (3.4%) as being probably malignant, but 74 lesions (49.6%) had not been detected prior to surgery.
The careful retrospective analysis of the radiophotographs raised this rate of detection to 72.8%, however, the remainder (27.2%) were not demonstrated on radiophotographs.
The accessory lesions being overlooked by preoperative barium examinations correlated with morphologic feature, histological type, size of intramucosal invasion, depth of invasion and localization. Most of the accessory lesions overlooked by this technique were small in size, flat or slightly depressed, and limited to the mucosa. The undifferentiated type of cancer was more difficult to detect than the differentiated type. The accessory lesions were distributed throughout the stomach as shown in Fig. 14 and Fig. 15. However, there was a tendency that the overlooked accessory lesions were located on the anterior wall, the greater curvature and the antrum of the stomach.

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