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要旨 患者は60歳の男性.健康診断目的で施行された上部消化管内視鏡検査で,表層拡大型食道表在癌と診断された.内視鏡検査では白色調の顆粒状隆起を伴う浅い陥凹性病変として認められ,X線検査では粘膜ひだの中断を伴い,内部に顆粒状の隆起を伴う長径6cmの浅い陥凹性病変として認められた.術前深達度診断は病変中央部でm2~3と思われたため,右開胸開腹食道亜全摘術(2領域郭清)が施行された.最終診断は中分化型扁平上皮癌,0-Ⅱc,深達度m2,ly0,v0,n0であった.術後4年半再発もなく生存中である.
In an endoscopic examination, a 60-year-old man was diagnosed as having esophageal cancer. He was admitted to our hospital for a workup.
The esophagography and endoscopy demonstrated an irregular, shallow and depressed lesion with many white granules at the middle thoracic esophagus, measuring about 60 mm in size. Subtotal esophagestomy with lymph node dissection was performed.
Histological examination revealed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). 60 × 45 mm in size. The depth of invasion was m2. These were neither lymphatic, venous permiations nor lymph node metastasis. This was a typical case of the superficial spreading type of esophageal cancer.

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