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Enteric Tuberculosis: Focused on Differential Diagnosis Hiroto Nishimata 1 , Yoshito Nishimata 1 , Hidehisa Ohi 1 1Department of Internal Medicine, Nanpu Hospital Keyword: 腸結核 , X線診断 , 鑑別診断 , Crohn病 , 虚血性腸炎 pp.507-513
Published Date 1995/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105372
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 Radiologic features of enteric tuberculosis were summarized as follows: 1) individual ulcers (typically band-like ulcers), 2) atrophic mucosal zone with ulcer scar, 3) deformity (in case of the colon, disappearance of haustra coli, shortening of the colon in the longitudinal direction, stenosis, diverticulum-like deformity, cloverleaves-like deformity etc). Differential diagnosis should include Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, ischemic colitis, and clues to differential diagnosis would be 1) direction of ulcerative lesions (ulcerative lesions of intestinal tuberculosis tend to be arranged in the circumferential direction, whereas those of Crohn's disease and ischemic colitis may be disposed in the longitudinal direction), 2) location of the lesion (in case of the small intestine, lesions of intestinal tuberculosis may be located on the opposite side of mesenterial attachment, on the other hand, those of Crohn's disease may be seen on the same side of mesenterial attachment), 3) observation of chronological changes by the images.

 However, there still have been some cases which were difficult to diagnose and treat, we need to solve how to deal with above cases in the future.

Copyright © 1995, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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