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Giant Brunner's Gland Hyperplasia in the Duodenal Bulb, Report of a Case Akimasa Yoshida 1 , Shin-ichi Izumi 1 , Masafumi Nomura 1 1Center for Gastroenterology, Teine Keijinkai Hospital Keyword: Brunner腺過形成 , 十二指腸粘膜下腫瘍 pp.1343-1347
Published Date 2002/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104556
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 A 55-year-old woman visited our center complaining of epigastralgia. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination showed a large protruded lesion in the duodenal-bulb, and she was admitted to our hospital. Upper gastrointestinal x-ray examination revealed a submucosal tumor-like semipedunculated polyp, 4 cm in size, occupying the duodenal bulb. On abdominal computed tomography, the lesion was shown as a smoothedged semi-round mass, which was enhanced with the same degree as that of the liver. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed a diffuse isoechoic mass with an anechoic spot indicating a cystic change, located in the deeper part of the mucosal layer nearest to the submucosal layer. On the basis of these findings, the lesion was strongly suspected to be a Brunner's gland hyperplasia or adenoma in the duodenal bulb, and laparoscopic tumor enucleation was performed. Histopathologically, Brunner's gland without atypia had proliferated mainly in the submucosal layer, and it was finally diagnosed as Brunner's gland hyperplasia. Since Brunner's gland hyperplasia is important as one of the differential diagnoses of submucosal tumors of the duodenum, we report this case, focusing on the image findings.

Copyright © 2002, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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