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要旨 比較的短期間に皮膚癌,大腸癌,脳膠芽腫を重複,発症した50歳,男性のHNPCCの1例を経験した.家族内に大腸癌,子宮癌の集積を認め,Lynch症候群Ⅱにあたる.この患者に関する遺伝子異常を検討した結果,その大腸癌の癌巣においてマイクロサテライトDNA不安定性がみられ,またhMSH2のGerm line mutationが認められた.HNPCCにおいては様々な大腸癌以外の悪性腫瘍が発生するが,皮膚癌や脳腫瘍の報告は,比較的まれである.
We report a 50-year-old man with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). He developed multiple primary cancers metachronously as follows: he had skin cancers at the age of 37, 45 and 49, colon cancers at the age of 47 and 50, and glioblastoma at the age of 49. The patient with HNPCC may develop various malignant tumors with high incidence, but brain tumor and skin cancer are relatively rare. Genetic examination of the colon cancer of this patient disclosed microsatellite alterations and germ line mutation of hMSH2.

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