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要旨 若年で早期大腸癌がみられたHNPCCの1例を報告した.患者は28歳時,1992年,大腸検査を希望し来院した,注腸X線検査で上行結腸に42×33mmの隆起性病変を認めた.右半結腸切除術を施行,深達度smの高分化型腺癌であった.なお,それより4年前の1988年,家系に癌が多いため当科を受診した際に施行した注腸X線検査では,その時点で異常なしと判定したが,遡及的には不明瞭ながら腫瘤像が描出されていた.遺伝子検索では第1染色体短腕の欠失,p53遺伝子の変異,最近HNPCCで明らかにされたマイクロサテライト複製異常,hMSH2遺伝子の異常が認められた.
We report a case of early colon cancer in a young member of a HNPCC family. In 1992, a 28-year-old woman, without symptoms visited our hospital for examination of the large intestine. A double contrast barium enema showed a tumor, measuring 42 × 33 mm in size in the ascending colon. She underwent hemicolectomy. Microscopic examination revealed well differentiated adenocarcinoma with submucosal infiltration. The genetic examination of the tumor showed: 1) DNA replication errors of microsatellites and the mutation of the hMSH2 gene which had recently been found to be characteristic in the HNPCC, and 2) the deletion of the 1p gene and the mutation of the p53 gene.

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