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要旨 患者は39歳の男性.検診で胃の異常を指摘され受診した.胃X線検査で認められた胃体部小彎側の隆起性病変は,内視鏡検査では,表面が小結節状の立ち上がりの比較的明瞭な隆起性病変の形態を示した.超音波内視鏡検査では第1・2層の肥厚を認め粘膜内の病変が示唆された。摘出された病変は9×3cm,病理組織学的に樹枝状に分岐した腺窩の増生から成っており,これらは下方に向かう増生傾向を示し,一部では粘膜筋板直上にまで達し,同部で嚢胞状に拡張する像もみられた.固有胃腺の増生は認められなかった.以上の肉眼所見と病理組織学的所見からlocalized hyperplastic gastropathy (mucous cell type)と診断した.
A 39-year-old man visited our hospital for more detailed examination of the stomach, because of abnormal findings on the mass screening examination of the stomach. Gastrointestinal x-ray examination demonstrated a protrusion on the lesser curvature of the body. Endoscopy revealed a relatively well-demarcated protrusion with a small nodular surface. Endoscopic ultrasonography showed marked thickening of the first and second layers of the gastric wall. We suspected that the protrusion was caused by the mucosal thickening. Histological examination showed the tumor (9 × 3 cm) was composed of increased epithelial cells principally mucous cells, which formed elongated and sometimes cystically dilated foveolae. On the other hand, gastric glands were often atrophic or normal. From the morphological viewpoints, we report this protrusion on the lesser curvature of the body as localized hyperplastic gastropathy (mucous cell type).
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