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要旨 胃腺腫において,H. pylori除菌による消失・縮小については賛否両論あり,現時点では一般的なコンセンサスを得るには至っていない.そこで,H. pylori除菌後に3年以上の長期の経過観察が可能であった25症例について肉眼的および組織学的変化とその粘液形質発現について検討した.13例(52%)で肉眼的な胃腺腫の消失または縮小傾向を認めた.このうち7例(28%)では組織学的にも胃腺腫の消失が確認された.一方,肉眼的な変化が認められるものの組織学的には胃腺腫の残存が証明された症例も6例(24%)あった.これらの粘液形質発現はすべて腸型形質を示していた.しかし,不変化群でも12例中10例が腸型形質であった.以上の結果は,除菌がある種の胃腺腫に対してその形態に影響を与えることを示す.しかし,除菌によって胃腺腫が直接影響を受けるのか,背景胃粘膜の変化による見かけ上の変化なのかは現段階では不明である.さらに,除菌によって腫瘍性病変がマスクされることによって早期の診断を困難にする可能性も考えられ,除菌後の内視鏡検査では背景の胃粘膜が変化していることを念頭に置いた慎重な検査が必要であろう.
Although epidemiological studies strongly suggest a causal link between Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ) infection and gastric carcinogenesis via a multistage process, no direct association between them has been demonstrated. To clarify the causal link between H. pylori infection and gastric neoplastic lesions, several investigations concerning the reversibility of gastric adenoma after the eradication of H. pylori have been reported. There is, however, not yet a consensus of opinion. Long observation was then carried out endoscopically and histologically in 25 patients with gastric adenoma who had been treated for H. pylori. Furthermore, mucin phenotypic expression of their adenoma was evaluated immunohistochemically. Thirteen adenomas (52%) showed macroscopic changes. Among them, no neoplasia was histologically confirmed in 7 patients (28%) whose adenoma could not be endoscopically detected. On the other hand, 6 adenomas (24%) showed apparent regression upon follow-up. The histological grade of these adenomas remained stable. There was no difference of mucin phenotype between the regressed and the unchanged groups. From our results, we should consider two possibilities. First, the improvement of histological grade in gastric adenoma may occur after the endoscopic disappearance of gastric adenoma. Second, the eradication of H. pylori may result in more prominent intestinal metaplasia, which may mask a gastric adenoma. We say this because we found that the endoscopic configuration was modified by the regression of edema or inflammation after the removal of H. pylori.

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