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要旨 Brunner腺由来の腺腫・癌はともにまれな疾患である.Brunner腺腫は,無茎~亜有茎性の粘膜下腫瘍様の病変として認められ,一部には中心陥凹を伴うことがある.超音波内視鏡検査(EUS)では,第3層に連続した均一な等~低エコーレベルの充実性腫瘍として描出される.病理組織学的所見では,Brunner腺由来と考えられるが,正常Brunner腺と明らかに異なる組織異型を示す.またBrunner腺由来の十二指腸癌は,他の十二指腸癌と比べ,陥凹を伴う粘膜下腫瘍様の形態をとり,EUSでは第3層に等~高エコーな病変として描出され,腫瘍内には囊胞と考えられる低エコーな部分を認めることが多い.
Duodenal adenoma and carcinoma arising from Brunner's glands were extremely rare. Brunner's adenoma is mostly recognized as a sessile or subpedunculated submucosal tumor, and some of them present central depression. Endoscopic ultasonography revealed homogeneous an isoechoic or hypoechoic tumor in the third layer. Histologically, it is assumed to be of Brunner gland origin but to show clearly atypical tissue in comparison with a normal Brunner gland.
Duodenal carcinoma originating from Brunner's gland, compared with other duodenal cancers, often reveals a submucosal tumor-like elevated lesion with a central depression. Endoscopic ultasonography revealed an isoechoic or hyperechoic mass in the third layer, in which the hypoechoic area is observed as cystic space.

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