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要旨 患者は50歳代,男性.検診のS状結腸内視鏡検査でポリープを指摘され,精査・加療目的で当院を受診となった.当院での全大腸内視鏡所見では上行結腸に径10mm大のIIc+IIa様の病変を認めた.拡大観察では辺縁はII型pit,中心の陥凹部は開大したII型様pitの構造を認めた.鋸歯状病変であり,少なくとも癌ではないと判断,病理学的検索を行う目的でEMRを施行した.病理はsessile serrated adenoma/polyp(inverted type)との診断であった.SSA/Pで陥凹型の形態をとる病変はまれと考えられ,興味深い症例であった.
A fifties man visited our hospital with a diagnosis of colorectal polyp. Colonoscopy findings showed a depressed lesion, type IIc+IIa, 10mm in diameter in the ascending colon. Magnifying colonoscopy showed star like pits at the margin of the depressed area and wide open pits, like type II pit structures in the depressed area. We diagnosed it to be a serrated lesion. Endoscopic mucosal resection was performed. Pathologically, the tumor was a sessile serrated adenoma/polyp. This is a rare case of sessile serrated adenoma/polyp of the depressed type in the colon.

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