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要旨 0 IIc病変はわずかなびらん,または粘膜の浅い陥凹が認められるものと定義され,① 陥凹面,② 陥凹境界線,③ 辺縁の観察を詳細に行うことで診断される.分化型胃癌は,① 陥凹底は比較的平滑~胃小区模様がみられ,顆粒像は少数で発赤調,② 陥凹境界線は不明瞭でなだらかな陥凹,③ 陥凹の辺縁隆起が特徴である.未分化型胃癌は,① 陥凹底は無構造~不整凹凸,褪色調,陥凹内部インゼル,② 陥凹境界線は明瞭で断崖状,③ 陥凹辺縁はM癌では辺縁隆起を来すことはない,という特徴をもつ.0 III型は明らかに深い陥凹を有するもので,悪性サイクルのある時点で短期的にみられ,不整な潰瘍辺縁,辺縁に存在する0IIc成分を発見することがポイントである.
Early gastric cancer type 0IIc is defined as a superficial depressed lesion. In this issue, we discussed the lesion from the view points of three factors, ① depressed floor, ② depressed edge, ③ changes around the depression. Typical findings of differentiated(intestinal)type 0IIc are as follows, ① a few granules, fine or rough nodules, rough gastric area or non-structured pattern in a red depressed floor, ② gentle slope and unclear edge, ③ marginal elevation in the circumference around the depression. Typical findings of undifferentiated(diffuse)type 0 IIc are as follows, ① insels, rough or non-structured pattern in a pale depressed floor, ② the clear edge of the depression slopes precipitously, ③ no marginal elevation is seen in cases of intramucosal cancer. Both types of 0IIc are characterized by shallow depression with marginal encroachment and sudden tapering, abrupt cessation, clubbing and fusion at the tips of folds in cases with fold convergence. Early gastric cancer type 0III is defined as an excavated lesion. This type needs to be distinguished from benign ulcer. The features of type 0III are irregularity of ulcer edge and superficial depressed lesion around the excavation.

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