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要旨 潰瘍性大腸炎(以下UC)の長期経過例を対象として,内視鏡的有所見部の狙撃生検によるサーベイランスの有用性を検討するため,厚生労働省研究班のプロジェクトとして多施設共同前向き研究を行った.集積された320症例を検討した結果,有所見部を中心に1,348個の生検(365個のrandom biopsyを含む)が施行されており,1症例あたりの平均生検数は4.21個と非常に少数であった.散発性腺腫を含めたすべてのUC合併腫瘍性病変は,39症例(12.2%)において58病変検出された.dysplasiaおよびcolitic cancerと判定された21病変の形態は,隆起型が61.9%,平坦型が33.3%であった.この結果,詳細な内視鏡観察を行えば平坦病変も含めたUC関連腫瘍性病変の多くが視認でき,狙撃生検によって効率的にサーベイランスが行える可能性が示唆された.
A prospective multi-center clinical study was performed to evaluate the clinical usefulness of surveillance colonoscopy by targeted biopsies taken from mucosal abnormalities in patients with long-standing ulcerative colitis(UC). Of 320 patients, a total of 1348 biopsies(mainly targeted, nevertheless, including 365 non-targeted random biopsies)were taken, a mean of 4.21 per patient. Overall, 58 neoplastic lesions including sporadic adenomas were detected in 39 patients(12.2%). Thirteen(61.9%)of 21 lesions of dysplasia and colorectal cancer were endoscopically described as elevated lesions and 7(33.3%)lesions were flat. These results suggest that, most dysplastic lesions in UC may be visible under careful endoscopic observation, and therefore, colorectal cancer and/or dysplasia surveillance by endoscopic targeted biopsies could be an efficient method for finding neoplastic lesions in UC.

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