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要旨 小腸憩室は,Meckel憩室を除くと頻度が少なく,X線検査,剖検での発見率は0.02~1.3%,全消化管憩室の1.4~3.2%と報告されている.一方,Meckel憩室は剖検の2%前後で発見されるが,多くは無症状で経過することが多く,まれに消化管出血,腸閉塞,憩室炎などの症状を来す.他方,小腸および大腸の先天奇形の1つである重複腸管は小児期に消化管出血,腫瘤触知などで発症することが多く,成人での発症はまれである.しかし,近年の内視鏡検査の進歩により憩室を確認する機会も増えてきた.われわれの経験した症例を交え概説する.
Small intestinal diverticulosis is rare, except for Meckel's diveticulum. Radiographic examinations and autopsy studies reveal an incidence of 0.02~1.3%, and range from 1.4~3.2% of all gastrointestinal diverticulosis.
Meckel's diverticulum occurs in approximately 2% of the population. The majority of patients are asymptomatic, but there are a few cases that have complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis. Alimentary tract duplication is relatively rare in adults. Intestinal duplication presents with intestinal bleeding or abdominal masses in children. Recently, advances in enteroscopy have enable made us to discover incidental diverticula. In this report we have quoted from the literature abroad and report the cases we have encountered ourselves.

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