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要旨 食道良性腫瘍および腫瘍様病変の病理組織学的分類と形態学的分類を行った.病理組織学的分類では良性腫瘍を上皮性と非上皮性に分け,さらに上皮性を充実性腫瘍と嚢胞性腫瘍に分類した.腫瘍様病変は上皮性,非上皮性,その他,に分類した.さらに,良性腫瘍ごとの細分類を行った.食道良性腫瘍と腫瘍様病変のうち,平滑筋腫と糖原過形成はまれでないもので,その他が"まれな良性腫瘍"であると言える.自験例からみると食道手術例1,013例中,良性腫瘍は13例(1.3%)であり,内視鏡検査施行25,369例中48例(0.2%)を良性腫瘍が占めて,その40%は平滑筋腫で,その他の良性腫瘍は0.12%ということになる.良性腫瘍および腫瘍様病変の鑑別診断についても詳述した.
Pathological classification and morphological classification of esophageal benign tumors and tumor-like lesions were performed. As for pathological classification, benign tumors were divided into epithelial tumors and non-epithelial tumors. Moreover, the epithelial tumors were divided into solid tumors and cystic tumors. The tumor-like lesions were divided into epithelial, non-epithelial and other lesions. Then, benign tumors were classified in detail.
In benign tumors and tumor-like lesions, leiomyomas and glycogenic acanthosis were not rare, but the others were all rare. In our experience, benign tumors were found in 48 cases (1.3%) among 1,013 cases that received surgical treatment, and 48 cases (0.2%) among 25,369 cases that received endoscopic examination. 40%of 48 cases of benign tumors were leiomyomas, while other benign tumors were 0.12%of cases revealed by endoscopic examinations. Differential diagnosis was performed between benign esophageal tumors, tumor-like lesions and malignant lesions.

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