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要旨 症例は64歳,男性.主訴は心窩部痛,黒色便.上部消化管造影検査,内視鏡検査で十二指腸潰瘍の他に食道下部から噴門部の前壁にかけて長径25mm大の扁平な隆起性病変を認めた.食道胃接合部からの生検で非充実型の低分化管状腺癌と診断されたことから,下部食道・胃全摘術が施行された.組織学的には,印環細胞を含む低分化管状腺癌と内分泌細胞癌から成る癌で,腫瘍の主座は食道にあり,腫瘍細胞の露出を欠く粘膜下腫瘍様形態を呈した深達度SM3の早期癌であった.内分泌細胞癌は,chromogranin A,Grimelius,synaptophysin陽性であった.術後2年5か月現在,無再発生存中である.
A 64-year-old male was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of epigastric pain and tarry stool due to a duodenal ulcer. Initial endoscopic examination revealed another flat elevated lesion at the esophagogastric junction measuring 25 mm in diameter. The biopsy specimen revealed adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Resection of the distant esophagus and total gastrectomy was perfomed.
In the resected specimen, the tumor was located completely in the submucosal layer, and covered with normal squamous and columnar epithelium.
Immunohistologically, tumor cells were positive for chromogranin A, Grimelius, synaptophysin, and serotonin. The lesion was finally diagnosed as adeno-endocrine cell carcinoma. This patient has had no recurrence and has survived for 29 months since the operation.

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