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要旨 アルコール依存症者(ア症)の食道癌の内視鏡的粘膜切除(EMR)後の異時性発癌と,癌のなかったア症の発癌とを内視鏡経過観察で比較した.食道癌と口腔咽喉癌の6年発生率はそれぞれEMR後(n=84)で56%と35%,食道異形成患者(n=112)で31%と20%と高頻度だが,食道ヨード不染帯のなかった患者(n=616)では4%と4%であった.ハザード比は不染帯のない患者を基準として,EMR後で23.8倍と14.2倍,食道異形成患者で11.2倍と6.55倍であった.アルデヒド脱水素酵素2(ALDH2)ヘテロ欠損者では,それぞれの6年発生率は,EMR後(n=44)で70%と46%,癌がない患者(n=72)で34%と30%といずれも高く,ALDH2正常者では,EMR後(n=40)で30%と8%,癌がない患者(n=484)で5%と5%であった.ハザード比はALDH2正常で癌がない患者を基準として,ALDH2欠損でEMR後の患者で32.6倍と21.8倍,ALDH2欠損で癌のない患者で11.7倍と11.6倍,ALDH2正常でEMR後の患者で8.12倍と7.36倍であった.ア症ではEMR後の異時性癌の頻度がALDH2欠損者で特に高いが,癌がない患者でも食道異形成やALDH2欠損があると非常に高い発癌リスクがみられ,これらの患者では厳重な長期間の内視鏡観察が必要である.
Japanese studies have consistently demonstrated a strong relationship between multiple development of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the upper aerodigestive tract and alcohol consumption combined with inactive heterozygous aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2*1/*2). Japanese alcoholic men diagnosed as cancer-free by an initial endoscopic screening examination and those with esophageal SCC, which was treated by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), received follow-up examinations. The 6-year cumulative rates of new primary SCC in the esophagus/oropharyngolarynx were 56%/35% in EMR cases (n=84), 31%/20% in cancer-free cases with esophageal dysplasia≧5 mm (n=112), and 4%/4% in cancer-free cases without distinct iodine-unstained lesion≧5 mm (DIUL; n=616), respectively. Cox proportional hazards analysis showed that in comparison with cases without DIUL, the adjusted relative hazards for SCC in the esophagus/oropharygolarynx were 23.8(95% CI; 11.4~49.5)/14.2(8.03~25.0) in EMR cases and 11.2(5.26~24.0)/6.55(3.62~11.8) in cases with esophageal dysplasia. The 6-year cumulative rates of new primary SCC in the esophagus/oropharyngolarynx were 70%/46% in ALDH2*1/*2 EMR cases (n=44), 34%/30% in ALDH2*1/*2 cancer-free cases (n=72), 30%/8% in ALDH2*1/*1 EMR cases (n=40), and 5%/5% in ALDH2*1/*1 cancer-free cases (n=484). In comparison with ALDH2*1/*1 cancer-free cases, the adjusted relative hazards for SCC in the esophagus/oropharygolarynx were 32.6(14.3~74.2)/21.8(11.1~42.9) in ALDH2*1/*2 EMR cases, 11.7(4.77~28.9)/11.6(5.70~23.4) in ALDH2*1/*2 cancer-free cases, and 8.12(2.45~26.9)/7.36(2.80~19.3)in ALDH2*1/*1 EMR cases. Japanese alcoholics after EMR for esophageal SCC have an extremely high risk of metachronous SCC in the upper aerodigestive tract, especially in ALDH2*1/*2 heterozygotes. Cancer-free patients with esophageal dysplasia or inactive ALDH2*1/*2 also have very high risk of the SCC. All these patients need careful long-term follow-up examinations.

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