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Endoscopy Using Acetic Acid for Early Gastric Cancer Detection Hideki Toyoda 1 , Kyosuke Tanaka 2 , Tomonori Saito 2 , Shigenori Kadowaki 2 , Shinpei Matsusaki 2 1Department of Endoscopic Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine 2Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine Keyword: 酢酸法 , 拡大内視鏡 , 早期胃癌 , 胃腺腫 pp.801-808
Published Date 2005/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403100113
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 We classified endoscopic features of gastric mucosa and early gastric cancer into 4 patterns : N, regular round pits ; M, gyrus and villous pattern, and mixed form ; A, slit-like pattern ; C, irregular pattern (Ci) and nonstructural pattern (Cn) by enhanced-magnification endoscopy after instillation of 1.5 % acetic acid. Pattern C is associated with early gastric cancer. Because some cases showed acetowhite reaction in surrounding mucosa of IIc type early gastric cancer, conventional endoscopy after instillation of 1.5 % acetic acid may be useful for detecting the margin of IIc type early gastric cancer.

Copyright © 2005, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


