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【目的】「音声障害に対し,わが国の言語聴覚士が実施する音声治療効果にエビデンスがあるか」を研究疑問(research question:以下,RQ)として,システマティックレビューを実施した.
【結果】最終的に採択された文献は和文30編・英文9編であり,「ランダム化比較試験」が2編,「非ランダム化比較試験」が6編,「前後比較研究(非ランダム化試験)」が13編,「ケースシリーズ」が11編,「単一事例研究デザイン」が7編であった.障害別では声帯萎縮10編,声帯麻痺5編,声帯ポリープ・声帯結節4編,機能性発声障害(muscle tension dysphonia:MTD)と痙攣性発声障害(spasmodic dysphonia:SD)11編,その他の音声障害9編であった.音声治療の効果について,すべての論文において,音声治療は音声機能や声の自覚的評価に一定の改善を示した.
Objective:This systematic review aimed to address the research question (RQ):“Is there evidence for the effectiveness of voice therapy conducted by speech-language-hearing therapist in Japan for voice disorders?”
Methods:Based on the RQ, eligibility criteria were established, and literature was collected through searches in Ichushi-Web, Isho.jp, Medical Online, PubMed, and hand searches. Primary and secondary screenings were conducted, and the quality of the selected studies was evaluated.
Results:A total of 39 studies were selected, including 30 in Japanese and 9 in English. Among these, there were 2 randomized controlled trials, 6 non-randomized controlled trials, 13 pre-post studies (non-randomized trials), 11 case series, and 7 single-case study designs. By disorder type, there were 10 studies on vocal fold atrophy, 5 on vocal fold paralysis, 4 on vocal polyps and nodules, 11 on functional and spasmodic dysphonia, and 9 on other voice disorders. All studies demonstrated certain effects of voice therapy on voice function and subjective evaluations.
Conclusion:While voice therapy showed some effectiveness, many studies were pre-post comparisons. In the future, there is a need for research with higher levels of evidence.

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