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【検索方法】PRISMA 2020声明に基づきシステマティックレビューを行った.医中誌Web,医書.jp,PubMedを検索し,さらに『聴能言語学研究』と『言語聴覚療法』をハンドサーチした.採択条件を設け1次スクリーニングはタイトルと要旨から,また,2次スクリーニングでは全文を読み評価した.
Objectives:To assess the effects of speech-language and communication interventions for children with language developmental disorders in Japan.
Search methods:We performed a systematic review according to the PRISMA 2020 statement. We searched Ichushi-Web, Isho.jp and PubMed and hand searched the Japanese Journal of Communication Disorders and Japanese Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Researh. Titles and abstracts were assessed for relevance in the primary screening, while in the secondary screening, the full texts were assessed based on PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) .
Results:Included in this review were 16 articles (1 randomized controlled trial and 15 single-case studies) in autism spectrum disorders, 8 articles (1 single-case study and 7 case reports) in developmental dyslexia, and 5 articles (all case reports) in developmental language delay. All of the studies reported that their interventions were effective, but the sample sizes were small and the study qualities varied substantially.
Conclusion:Evidence for the subject in question is currently limited. Refinement of study design, calculation of effect size, and clear description of patients, intervention and comparison are needed to improve the evidence level in the future.

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