

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Home-visit occupational therapy using the CO-OP approach for a client with stroke and speech impairments: A case study Daiki Dobashi 1 , Kousuke Kamada 1 , Hiroyasu Shiozu 2 1Takikawa Neurosurgical Hospital 2Chubu University Keyword: CO-OP , 言語障害 , 訪問作業療法 , 脳卒中 , Speech impairments , Home-visit occupational therapy , Stroke pp.109-116
Published Date 2025/2/15
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 [Objectives] To examine the effects of intervention using the CO-OP for a stroke client with speech impairments. [Method] We used the CO-OP approach to intervene in a client with stroke and speech impairments. [Results] The CO-OP approach helped the client acquire cooking skills and achieve her goals. In addition the client could transfer the skills to other occupations. The language function has been significantly improved in “confrontation naming” and “follow writing instructions.” [Conclusion] The CO-OP approach may be helpful for goal attainment skill acquisition, and transfer in stroke patients with speech impairments. In addition the client effectively used the cognitive skills to acquire and improve language function.

Copyright © 2025, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


