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フレイルの概念は歴史的な変遷もあり,現在も大きく分けて二つのモデル(phenotype modelとdeficit accumulation model)が存在している。さらにフレイルには身体的なフレイルだけではなく,精神心理的フレイルや社会的フレイルの存在が提言されてはいるが,それぞれの定義ならびに診断法は未だ明確ではない。日本では健康寿命の観点からはphenotype modelの概念が重要である。
The historical change in the concept of frailty has been observed from 1980s, and even now there are major two models of frailty, phenotype model and deficit accumulation model. Furthermore besides physical frailty, psychological frailty, which encompasses cognitive and mood components, and social frailty, which includes the lack of participation in social networks and perceived lack of contacts and support, have been proposed, although there is no consensus regarding the definition as well as criteria of these frailty. In super-aged society, Japan, from the viewpoint of healthy life expectancy, the concept of phenotype model of frailty is important.