

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Epidemiology of Bone and Joint Disease ~The Present and Future~. Epidemiology of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture in Japan. Iki Masayuki 1 1Department of Public Health, Kinki University Faculty of Medicine, Japan. pp.657-664
Published Date 2014/4/28
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/4201405011
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 Osteoporosis is a major burden on modern society because of its high prevalence and tragic consequences due to fractures. According to population-based epidemiologic studies, number of people with osteoporosis in Japan was estimated to be 13 million in 2005, and only 20% of them were under treatment. Osteoporosis is a highly undertreated disease.  Number of hip fractures occurred in Japan in 2007 was approximately 130 thousands which were 2.8-fold greater than those in 1987. This increase can be explained by an increase in the elderly population. Prevalence rate of vertebral fracture was reported to be approximately 30% in women aged 70s and 40% in those aged 80s.  Fracture risk assessment in individuals is essential for osteoporosis management. To improve prediction accuracy for major osteoporotic fractures, FRAX® model including clinical risk factors was developed. Predicted risk of major osteoporotic fractures for Japanese women by FRAX® were not significantly different from observed risk in the Japanese Population-based Osteoporosis(JPOS)Cohort Study, and FRAX® model without bone mineral density(BMD)showed a similar validity to FRAX® model with BMD. This suggests that FRAX® without BMD may be used as a screening tool for people at increased risk of fractures in community. However, FRAX® should be improved further in combination with new bone strength indices. Epidemiology should play a great role in developing and evaluating such improvement in fracture risk assessment.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0917-5857 医薬ジャーナル社


