

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Updates on Rickets and Osteomalacia. Vitamin D deficiency:its pathophysiology and treatment. Okazaki Ryo 1 1Third Department of Medicine, Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center, Japan. pp.1483-1489
Published Date 2013/9/28
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/4201310091
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 Vitamin D deficiency is a common cause of rickets/osteomalacia. Milder decrease in vitamin D store, vitamin D insufficiency, does not lead to clinical rickets/osoteomalacia but could result in mineralization defect and an increased fracture risk. Vitamin D store is easily assessed by serum 25(OH)D concentration:less than 20 ng/mL is generally considered vitamin D deficiency whereas between 20 and 30 ng/mL vitamin D insufficiency. In the management of bone and mineral disorders including rickets/osteomalacia, it is a common practice in many countries to measure serum 25(OH)D, and if deficiency/insufficiency is present, which would be corrected by native vitamin D. However, in Japan, serum 25(OH)D is not routinely measured because it is not covered by national health insurance policy, thus vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency is often overlooked and even misdiagnosed. There has been no native vitamin D that can be prescribed in Japan, thus patients with vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency have been prescribed active instead of native vitamin D. These circumstances must be changed to increase the awareness of vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0917-5857 医薬ジャーナル社


