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市中感染症に対するclarithromycin(CAM:クラリス®)の使用成績調査を行った。得られた成績のうち,承認用量かつ適応疾患症例について,臨床症状および原因菌の観点から解析した。その結果,呼吸器感染症の症状消失率は,咳嗽で67.2%,喀痰で77.5%,咽頭痛で93.8%であった。原因菌別の有効率は,Streptococcus pneumoniaeで100.0%,Haemophilus influenzaeで100.0%であり,Moraxella catarrhalisで100.0%であった。急性副鼻腔炎における症状消失率は,鼻漏・後鼻漏で78.4%,鼻閉で85.5%,急性中耳炎における症状消失率は,耳痛で100.0%,鼓膜発赤で91.7%であった。原因菌別有効率は,S. pneumoniaeで90.5%,H. influenzaeで78.9%であった。皮膚科領域感染症における症状消失率は,発赤・腫脹で76.6%,膿疱で82.6%であった。原因菌別有効率は,Staphylococcus aureusで5例中4例,Staphylococcus epidermidisで4例中4例であった。以上より,症状消失率および原因菌別有効率の観点から,本薬の有用性を支持する結果が得られた。
A post-marketing surveillance study was implemented regarding use of clarithromycin(CAM, Clarith®)for community-acquired infectious disease. In the results obtained, we analyzed the approval dosage and cases of diseases for which CAM is indicated, from a viewpoint of clinical symptoms and a causative organism.[Result]The eradication rate of clinical symptoms for respiratory tract infectious diseases were 67.2%for cough, 77.5%for sputum, and 93.8%for sore throat, respectively. The clinical efficacy rate by the pathogen type was 100.0% for Streptococcus pneumoniae, 100.0% for Haemophilus influenzae, and 100.0% for Moraxella catarrhalis, respectively. The eradication rate of clinical symptoms for acute sinusitis was 78.4% for rhinorrhea/postnasal drip and 85.5% for nasal congestion. The eradication rate of clinical symptoms for acute otitis media was 100.0% for aural pain and 91.7% for eardrum redness. The clinical efficacy rate by the pathogen type was 90.5% for S. pneumoniae and 78.9% for H. influenzae, respectively. The eradication rate of clinical symptoms for dermatological infections was 76.6% for redness/swelling and 82.6% for pustules. The clinical efficacy rate by the pathogen type was 4 cases out of 5 for Staphylococcus aureus and 4 cases out of 4 for Staphylococcus epidermidis, respectively.[Conclusion]From the above, the results supported the usefulness of this drug from the standpoints of both eradication rates of clinical symptoms and the clinical efficacy rate by the pathogen type.