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2023年度より低侵襲呼吸器外科手術で周術期管理チームが術後疼痛管理に介入し,硬膜外鎮痛ではなく経静脈的自己調節鎮痛法(intravenous patient-controlled analgesia:IV-PCA)・神経ブロックの併用で管理が行われるようになった。硬膜外鎮痛の有無による疼痛の差を,106症例を対象に術後(postoperative day:POD)3日間の安静/運動時痛を疼痛スケール(numerical rating scale:NRS)で評価した。安静時POD0NRS(P=0.00172),運動時POD1NRS(P=0.025)で有意差を認めたのみで同等の鎮痛管理が可能であった。
Background:Our hospital’s perioperative management team has become actively involved in postoperative pain management for patients who have undergone respiratory surgery. We investigated whether there was a difference in postoperative pain between the use and nonuse of epidural analgesia in minimally invasive respiratory surgery.
Methods:We compared pain at rest and pain during movement up to the 3rd postoperative day(POD)among patients in whom epidural analgesia was used/not used during minimally invasive respiratory surgery for lung cancer and thymoma.
Results:Each group was comprised of 106 adult patients. There were 52 males and 54 females in the epidural group and 60 males and 46 females in the non-epidural group. The average of age was 66, in whichever case. Operative duration was 169 minutes in the epidural group and 156 minutes in the non-epidural group. No significant differences was observed at these sections. The self-reported numerical rating scale(NRS)pain values at rest from the non-epidural patients on POD0 were significantly higher than the epidural group’s values, with median(25th-75th percentiles):NRS 3(2-6) vs. NRS 3 points(1-5), respectively;p=0.00172. In contrast, the NRS pain values during movement on POD1 were significantly higher in the non-epidural group compared to the epidural group:NRS 5(3-7) vs. NRS 4 points(3-6, respectively;p=0.025. However, at other evaluation timepoints there were no significant between-group differences in rest pain, pain during movement.
Conclusions:In minimally invasive respiratory surgery, good postoperative analgesia can be achieved without the use of epidural analgesia.

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