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麻酔時間を4時間以内(短時間群)と4時間以上(長時間群)に分け,挿管直後の肺胸郭コンプライアンス値(C値)で1分ごとのC値を標準化し(standardized respiratory system:St-Crs値),抜管前のC値とSt-Crs値を短時間群と長時間群で比較した。抜管前のC値に両群で有意差はなかったが,St-Crs値は長時間群で有意に低かった(P<0.01)。St-Crs値はC値よりも,全身麻酔中の人工呼吸の影響をより定量的に評価できることが示唆された。
We employ the Standardized respiratory system(St-Crs value), the value of compliance(C value)divided by the value immediately after tracheal intubation;divided into two groups, 4 hours or less of anesthesia time(short-term group)and 4 hours or more of anesthesia time(long-term group). The C value and St-Crs value before extubation were compared between the two groups. There was no significant difference in the C value before extubation(48.2 vs. 45.8 ml・cmH2O−1), but the St-Crs value in the long-term group was significantly lower than in the short-term group(0.88 vs. 0.83;P<0.01). The trend of the St-Crs value could suggest the changes of lung condition under mechanical ventilation during general anesthesia easily and quantitatively.

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