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動静脈奇形(arteriovenous malformation:以下,AVM)に対する治療において,塞栓術や硬化療法などの血管内治療単独は効果が一時的であり,それらの治療から潰瘍を生じると逆に大量出血などによって日常生活動作(ADL)を低下させてしまう。一方,手術療法では,切除が不完全になると再発を必発することが大きな問題点である。以上のことから著者らは,AVMを根治的に治療するためには外科的に全摘出することが必須と考え,現在まで一貫してこの方針で治療を行ってきた 1)。
In the treatment of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), endovascular therapies such as embolization have a temporary effect, and ulceration from these treatments can result in impaired ability to perform activities of daily life. We consider surgical total removal to be essential for the curative treatment of AVMs.
When performing a total resection, we try to include a small amount of surrounding normal tissue. However, to preserve the function of a hand with an AVM as in the present patient, total removal as close to the nidus as possible is required. It is therefore important to determine the extent of the nidus as accurately as possible preoperatively using methods such as CT, MRI, and angiography.
In our patientʼs case, it was not possible to preserve the skin of the little finger that had the AVM, but all of the skin of the ring finger was preserved so that the skin of that area could be preserved and used to cover the defect. This eliminated the need for another flap for the reconstruction of that area, which would have made the surgery more invasive.

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